Targeted psychological support is a vital part of an organisation’s wellbeing strategy

Support for Organisations

According to the Life in the Law research study published by LawCare in 2021, the majority of legal professionals surveyed said that in the 12 months prior to the survey they had experienced mental ill-health e.g. low mood, anxiety and depression, either clinically or self-diagnosed. The same report identified that legal professionals are also at higher risk of burnout. The organisational factors contributing to this risk are a high workload, long hours and working in a psychologically unsafe environment i.e. a reduced ability to speak up with ideas and questions, raise concerns or admit mistakes.

The pandemic has put further demands on the profession. Changes in working practices, the lack of face-to-face contact, social isolation and Zoom/Teams fatigue have all put additional pressures on many. Freedom to work from home has highlighted to some an increased dissatisfaction with their work/life balance.

Tree with no leaves

Is this a familiar picture?

How are these challenges impacting your business?

These enduring challenges, alongside a world that is ever-changing means organisations are presented with an opportunity to re-think or broaden the way in which they support the psychological well-being of their people. This will have a positive impact on productivity in general and retention of good people.

Most organisations already have some degree of support in place, (e.g. EAPs, wellness schemes, MHFAs, coaching sessions), the question for your organisation to consider is:

Does your existing provision go far enough to support your people and enhance your organisational culture?

Drawing on our knowledge of the law, our psychotherapy expertise and research findings, we understand that in order to support your people so they can work sustainably and make a positive contribution, targeted psychological support is a vital part of an organisation’s overall wellbeing strategy. 

What we offer

We offer the provision of a package of individual, in depth psychological support, which busy professionals might need, to maximise their ability to cope with the challenges they may be facing.

We can also offer bespoke support and training to help you further develop your wellbeing strategy and incorporate it into the culture of your organisation.

If you would like to learn more about what we offer, our fees and how we are different to other forms of workplace well-being services, please get in touch.
